Keep your eyes open
There are photo opportunities all the time. If you have a compact camera keep
it in your pocket or handbag so it's ready to whip out at a moments notice.
Even when you are out for a drink with friends there's always that memorable
moment. It doesn't have to be that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but something
simple like friends laughing. Capturing that moment is the important thing.
One of my favourite photographers, Henri Cartier-Bresson, is famous for
capturing the moment. That split second when the image tells it all and is
magical. He refers to it as the "decisive moment". The important
thing to remember here is, if you see something happening while looking through
your camera (or at the screen on the back), you are too late. You've missed the
shot! So you need that 2 second anticipation sometimes.

Cardinal de Retz: "Il n'y a rien dans ce monde qui
n'ait un moment decisif" ("There is nothing in this world that does
not have a decisive moment").
Often you can predict something is going to happen and be ready for it. You see
this kind of image all the time. Sports photographers capture them all the
time, players frozen in mid-air. You wonder at amazing wildlife photos.
Predicted outcomes, but needing time and effort to capture, something the
majoity of us don't have! |
Ruaridh McDonald
Photographer since 1980
Follow me on Twitter
Note though that not all posts are photography related!
All images within this site are the copyright of Ruaridh McDonald and may not
be reproduced in any format without prior permission. See Contact section for
Image use
BBC News
Photo Hints
You don't
need an expensive camera...
Keeping it level
What's the subject?
The eyes have it
Keep your eyes open |